Stunning Lexus Hybrid Looks Worthy of James Bond [VIDEO]: "Lexus has unveiled a new eco-friendly hybrid concept car that looks like it was just pulled out of a James Bond movie.
With its opal blue exterior inspired by the semi-precious opal stone from outback Australia, the Lexus LF-LC Blue appeared this week at the 2012 Australian International Motor Show. It’s the second version of an LF-LC model that first debuted at the Detroit Auto Show earlier this year.
“The concept hints at what’s to come from Lexus, while the reality has us actively studying how we can engineer and build a vehicle like this in the future,” Tony Cramb, chief executive of Lexus Australia, said in a statement.
Monday, October 22, 2012
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
USB Flash Drive 2012 | Best USB Flash Drives | Compare USB Flash Memory Drives - TopTenREVIEWS
USB Flash Drive 2012 | Best USB Flash Drives | Compare USB Flash Memory Drives - TopTenREVIEWS: "What Can Basic USB Drives Do?
These basic USB flash drives get the job done. They are small, fast and efficient. They do not include the high-end security features of the secure drives or the hardiness of the rugged drives nor are they cute and flashy like novelty drives. They are simply no-nonsense drives that can store up to 64GB of data in a device weighing less than an ounce.
We compared drives that offer the popular 8GB to 32GB storage capacities. If you are not sure what USB flash drive size you require, use the following information to get a general idea of what size will suit your needs:"
These basic USB flash drives get the job done. They are small, fast and efficient. They do not include the high-end security features of the secure drives or the hardiness of the rugged drives nor are they cute and flashy like novelty drives. They are simply no-nonsense drives that can store up to 64GB of data in a device weighing less than an ounce.
We compared drives that offer the popular 8GB to 32GB storage capacities. If you are not sure what USB flash drive size you require, use the following information to get a general idea of what size will suit your needs:"
USB Flash Drives: What to Look For
This review compares ten basic USB flash drives that can easily create a portable solution for your data and media. They are small yet can supply up to 64GB of memory. We compared the most popular memory sizes of 8GB, 16GB and 32GB. The 32GB USB drives can store up to 14,970 5-megapixel images or 4390 minutes of MPEG4 video.
We looked at the basic physical attributes and USB technologies of the flash drives. The newest USB protocol 3.0 is much faster than 2.0 and is backwards compatible with previous technologies. If you need to transfer large volumes of data between your device and drive and your device is 3.0 compatible, this is the best option. We also compared cap designs and ease of portability.
We looked at the basic physical attributes and USB technologies of the flash drives. The newest USB protocol 3.0 is much faster than 2.0 and is backwards compatible with previous technologies. If you need to transfer large volumes of data between your device and drive and your device is 3.0 compatible, this is the best option. We also compared cap designs and ease of portability.
Features include things like security software that may be included with the USB flash drive, indicator lights, reported read and write speeds and more. Some also include things like backup software, free online storage and file encryption.
Features include things like security software that may be included with the USB flash drive, indicator lights, reported read and write speeds and more. Some also include things like backup software, free online storage and file encryption.
Help & Support
USB drives are simple devices that are easy to use. However, should you have a problem with the drive help and a good warranty should be available. The best USB flash drives come with a long warranty and numerous ways for you to contact the company should you need assistance.
USB drives are simple devices that are easy to use. However, should you have a problem with the drive help and a good warranty should be available. The best USB flash drives come with a long warranty and numerous ways for you to contact the company should you need assistance.
A good USB flash drive can greatly increase your productivity and flexibility. Some are even fast enough to stream video so you can easily view your entertainment on a variety of your devices. The larger versions can even store enough video, data and images to act as your backup solution. This review compares the best of the basic, no-fuss USB drives that are dependable, fast and well supported.
Thursday, October 04, 2012
Seth's Blog: Do the (extra) work
Seth's Blog: Do the (extra) work: "Do the (extra) work
Do the extra work not because you have to but because it's a privilege.
Get in early.
Sweep the floor without being asked.
Especially when it's not your turn.
Not because you want credit or reward. Because you can.
The industrialist wants to suck everything out of you. Doing extra work as a cog in an industrial system is a fool's errand.
For the rest of us, the artist and the freelancer and the creator, we know that the privilege of doing the extra work is the work itself.
The habit of doing more than is necessary can only be earned through practice. And the habit is priceless."
Do the extra work not because you have to but because it's a privilege.
Get in early.
Sweep the floor without being asked.
Especially when it's not your turn.
Not because you want credit or reward. Because you can.
The industrialist wants to suck everything out of you. Doing extra work as a cog in an industrial system is a fool's errand.
For the rest of us, the artist and the freelancer and the creator, we know that the privilege of doing the extra work is the work itself.
The habit of doing more than is necessary can only be earned through practice. And the habit is priceless."
Sunday, September 09, 2012
Seth's Blog: Worth doing?
Seth's Blog: Worth doing?: "Worth doing?
One reason to do something is because you get paid to do it.
But it's sad to think that this might be the only reason to do something.
Now that you've got a skillset and trust and leverage and a following and the tools to make something happen, are you going to invest your heart and soul into something that's important or waste it selling something you're not proud of?"
One reason to do something is because you get paid to do it.
But it's sad to think that this might be the only reason to do something.
Now that you've got a skillset and trust and leverage and a following and the tools to make something happen, are you going to invest your heart and soul into something that's important or waste it selling something you're not proud of?"
Tuesday, September 04, 2012
Saturday, August 18, 2012
Estimate: Facebook Running 180,000 Servers » Data Center Knowledge
Estimate: Facebook Running 180,000 Servers » Data Center Knowledge: "Estimate: Facebook Running 180,000 Servers"
But the numbers certainly support Hamilton’s broader point: that Facebook’s server count is growing fast. Underscoring that growth is this week’s news that Facebook had filed plans to build another data center at its site in Prineville. It’s not clear whether this expands the number of data center buildings at the site to three or four. Initial plans allowed for Facebook to build eventually three of its 300,000 square foot server farms at the site. The new permit, which is for a 62,000 square foot facility, could represent a fourth, smaller facility on the Prineville property.This is the most detailed analysis of Facebook’s power usage I’ve seen. My guess would be that the actual server count could be somewhat lower than Hamilton’s estimate, only because the 1.07 PUE appears to be the efficiency for Facebook’s company-built data centers, rather than its entire footprint. As we noted last week, more than 80 percent of the energy used in Facebook’s data center footprint is consumed in its leased facilities in northern Virginia and Silicon Valley, which are almost certainly running at a PUE somewhat higher than 1.07. Many of these facilities don’t feature the full Open Compute designs seen in Prineville, including the custom power distribution system that has a meaningful impact on Facebook’s efficiency. Facebook hasn’t disclosed the PUE for its third-party data center space.

Like most large data center operators, Facebook doesn’t disclose how many servers it has running in its data centers. But James Hamilton has used the company’s recent disclosures about its energy usage to do some interesting math to try and put together an estimate, which he has shared on his Perspectives blog.
Hamilton starts with the total annual power draw for Facebook’s data centers – 509 million kilowatt hours – and estimates Facebook’s average data center power usage at 58 megawatts of power. He then applies Facebook’s published Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE) of 1.07 to conclude that the social network is delivering 54.27 megawatts to servers, and divides that by the power usage of an efficient server. At 300 watts per server, that works out to about 180,000 servers, James notes.
But the numbers certainly support Hamilton’s broader point: that Facebook’s server count is growing fast. Underscoring that growth is this week’s news that Facebook had filed plans to build another data center at its site in Prineville. It’s not clear whether this expands the number of data center buildings at the site to three or four. Initial plans allowed for Facebook to build eventually three of its 300,000 square foot server farms at the site. The new permit, which is for a 62,000 square foot facility, could represent a fourth, smaller facility on the Prineville property.This is the most detailed analysis of Facebook’s power usage I’ve seen. My guess would be that the actual server count could be somewhat lower than Hamilton’s estimate, only because the 1.07 PUE appears to be the efficiency for Facebook’s company-built data centers, rather than its entire footprint. As we noted last week, more than 80 percent of the energy used in Facebook’s data center footprint is consumed in its leased facilities in northern Virginia and Silicon Valley, which are almost certainly running at a PUE somewhat higher than 1.07. Many of these facilities don’t feature the full Open Compute designs seen in Prineville, including the custom power distribution system that has a meaningful impact on Facebook’s efficiency. Facebook hasn’t disclosed the PUE for its third-party data center space.
The exterior of the Facebook data center in Prineville, Oregon. (Photo credit: Alan Brandt).
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
50-Mile Landslides Spotted on Saturn's Icy Moon
50-Mile Landslides Spotted on Saturn's Icy Moon: "
Long landslides spotted on Saturn’s moon, Iapetus, could help provide clues to similar movements of material on Earth. Scientists studying the icy satellite have determined that flash heating could cause falling ice to travel 10 to 15 times farther than previously expected on Iapetus.
Extended landslides can be found on Mars and Earth, but are more likely to be composed of rock than ice. Despite the differences in materials, scientists believe there could be a link between the long-tumbling debris on all three bodies.
“We think there’s more likely a common mechanism for all of this, and we want to be able to explain all of the observations,” lead scientist Kelsi Singer of Washington University told"
Long landslides spotted on Saturn’s moon, Iapetus, could help provide clues to similar movements of material on Earth. Scientists studying the icy satellite have determined that flash heating could cause falling ice to travel 10 to 15 times farther than previously expected on Iapetus.
Extended landslides can be found on Mars and Earth, but are more likely to be composed of rock than ice. Despite the differences in materials, scientists believe there could be a link between the long-tumbling debris on all three bodies.
“We think there’s more likely a common mechanism for all of this, and we want to be able to explain all of the observations,” lead scientist Kelsi Singer of Washington University told"
Friday, July 06, 2012
The Higgs Boson Particle—what is it? what does finding it mean? (in plain english)
The Higgs Boson Particle—what is it? what does finding it mean? (in plain english)
If you’re reading this, you’re probably curious about the finding of the Higgs Boson particle that was announced yesterday (July 4, 2012). What does the finding mean? What is the Higgs particle? And why is it so important?
Here’s what you need to know (in plain and simple English):
A little bit of background
There’s this theory called The Standard Model which attempts to describe the basic building blocks of the universe. By knowing the building blocks of the universe we would be able to understand the ‘history’ of how the universe developed. The best way to describe it is to say that “The Standard Model is to physics what the theory of evolution is to biology”.
The Standard Model is composed of 12 fundamental particles that are governed by four basic forces. Up to now they had only found 11 of the 12 particles (but with the finding, the Higgs became the 12th and final one). Because we found the final one we can now validate the The Standard Model (aka we can now learn about the very forces that rule the universe and its development!)
But what does the Higgs particle do?
The short answer: The Higgs is thought to solve the mystery of the origin of mass. (Quick refresher: mass is a measure of the amount of matter in an object).
The long answer: After the Big Bang it is believed that the universe was made up of particles racing around at the speed of light without any mass. Some particles didn’t slow down (like light, which is not affected by and does not have any mass), but other particles began to slow down when they started interacting with the Higgs field. Their interaction with the Higgs meant that they would gain mass and eventually form things like stars, galaxies, planets, and humans.
So why is it important?
Well basically, without the Higgs field you wouldn’t exist. So it’s pretty cool that we found it.
jk- Actually we’re over 99.9% sure that we’ve made the discovery, but because the finding is so new scientists can only say they’ve “discovered something which is consistent with [the] Higgs”, as supposed by physicist John Ellis.
For more information on The Standard Model and the Higgs particle I recommend these two sites and
Wednesday, July 04, 2012
9 Keys to Business & Career Success |
9 Keys to Business & Career Success | "9 Beliefs of Remarkably Successful People
The most successful people in business approach their work differently than most. See how they think--and why it works.
The most successful people in business approach their work differently than most. See how they think--and why it works.
I'm fortunate enough to know a number of remarkably successful people. Regardless of industry or profession, they all share the same perspectives and beliefs.
And they act on those beliefs:
1. Time doesn't fill me. I fill time.
Deadlines and time frames establish parameters, but typically not in a good way. The average person who is given two weeks to complete a task will instinctively adjust his effort so it actually takes two weeks.
Forget deadlines, at least as a way to manage your activity. Tasks should only take as long as they need to take. Do everything as quickly and effectively as you can. Then use your "free" time to get other things done just as quickly and effectively.
Average people allow time to impose its will on them; remarkable people impose their will on their time.
2. The people around me are the people I chose.
Some of your employees drive you nuts. Some of your customers are obnoxious. Some of your friends are selfish, all-about-me jerks.
You chose them. If the people around you make you unhappy it's not their fault. It's your fault. They're in your professional or personal life because you drew them to you--and you let them remain.
Think about the type of people you want to work with. Think about the types of customers you would enjoy serving. Think about the friends you want to have.
Then change what you do so you can start attracting those people. Hardworking people want to work with hardworking people. Kind people like to associate with kind people. Remarkable employees want to work for remarkable bosses.
Successful people are naturally drawn to successful people.
Tuesday, July 03, 2012
If You Don't Prioritize Your Life, Someone Else Will
If You Don't Prioritize Your Life, Someone Else Will: "If You Don’t Prioritize Your Life, Someone Else Will
Greg McKeown
Saying "yes" when we should be saying "no" can seem like a small thing in the moment. But over time, such compromises can create a life of regrets. Greg McKeown explains how he learned the importance of "no" and why we should all be saying it more often.
"A 'no' uttered from the deepest conviction is better than a 'yes' merely uttered to please, or worse, to avoid trouble." So said Mahatma Gandhi, and we all know how his conviction played out on the world stage.
I had the opportunity to apply Gandhi's example of prioritization to my own life, hours before one of my daughters was born. I felt pressure to go to a client meeting the next day. But on this occasion, I knew what to do. It was clearly a time to be there for my wife and child. So, when asked to attend the meeting, I said with all the conviction I could muster..."
Greg McKeown
Saying "yes" when we should be saying "no" can seem like a small thing in the moment. But over time, such compromises can create a life of regrets. Greg McKeown explains how he learned the importance of "no" and why we should all be saying it more often.
"A 'no' uttered from the deepest conviction is better than a 'yes' merely uttered to please, or worse, to avoid trouble." So said Mahatma Gandhi, and we all know how his conviction played out on the world stage.
I had the opportunity to apply Gandhi's example of prioritization to my own life, hours before one of my daughters was born. I felt pressure to go to a client meeting the next day. But on this occasion, I knew what to do. It was clearly a time to be there for my wife and child. So, when asked to attend the meeting, I said with all the conviction I could muster..."
Monday, June 25, 2012
10 Best LockScreen Apps for Android Smartphone which protect from unwanted dial ups | NerdsMagazine
10 Best LockScreen Apps for Android Smartphone which protect from unwanted dial ups | NerdsMagazine:
Summary : Are you bored of the lock screen which comes built in to your Android phone. Why don’t you try some lock screen app to customize it.
Everyone loves to customize his/her android Smartphone which is probably the best part of every Smartphone. If you don’t like your launcher, Web Browser, lock screen then gets a new one from hundreds of android apps available on Google Play. That’s the thing which I really like about android Smartphone you can customize any component of an android operating system as you like.
In this article Nerdsmagazine intend to share with you some of the best lockscreen apps which are compatible with any of android device for free. Before going to discuss directly about these apps, let us check out why me and other users love to use lockscreen on their Smartphone.
- Helps to secure and safeguard our information privately.
- It helps to protect from unwanted dial ups which happen due to accidentally pressing of theonscreen buttons
- Saves personal data i.e. Text messages, logs, business materials in a Private place
So after reading all these advantages of lock screen app you want to get best of them on your Android Smartphone. Below we are featuring some of best lockscreen apps which you might love to use
Friday, June 15, 2012
Failure Is Not The Worst Outcome, Mediocrity Is
Insight From Dropbox: Failure Is Not The Worst Outcome, Mediocrity Is: "I'm a big, big fan of Drew Houston (founder/CEO of Dropbox). Have known him for many years (well before he started Dropbox) and am honored to call him a friend. I will cancel plans with my wife to hang out with Drew if he and I happen to be in the same city. There are only a few people I'd do that for. (Plus, it helps that she loves the product)."
The article has sparked a lot of interesting discussion on Hacker News and elsewhere. One point I'd like to clarify: I'm not suggesting that stable, sustainable businesses with modest growth are a bad thing. Just that if the business is not something the founder is passionate about -- she should move on. Life is short. We don't all need to build the next Dropbox -- but we all should stretch ourselves. It reminds me of an idea that Tim O'Reilly planted in my head: Pursue something so important that even if you fail, the world is better off with you having tried.
What do you think? Are you stuck in a quagmire of mediocrity? Should you be hitting the reset button and taking your shot at becoming legendary?
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
temple run
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